Citace |
da Silva, LAGA., Piacentini, KC., Caramês, ETD., Silva, NCC., Wawroszová, S., Běláková, S., Rocha, LD.: Quantitative PCR (qPCR) for estimating the presence of Fusarium and its mycotoxins in barley grains. Food Additives and Contaminants PART A-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assesment 40(10): 1369-1387, 2023, DOI:10.1080/19440049.2023.225047, Q2. |
Vrzal, T., Slabý, M., Kubizniaková, P., Horák, T., Olšovská, J.: Sensomic comparison of lager beers fermented by selected Saccharomyces pastorianus yeast strains. Food Microbiology (115)104321, 2023, DOI:10.1016/, Q1. |
Řezanka, T., Kyselová, L., Murphy, D.J.: Archaeal lipids. Progress in Lipid Research (91)101237, 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.plipres.2023.101237, Q1. |
Lojková, L., Pluháčková, H., Benešová, K., Kudláčková, B., Cerkal, R.: The highest yield, or greener solvents? Latest trends in quercetin extraction methods. TRAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry 167(117229)2023, DOI:10.1016/j.trac.2023.117229, Q1. |
Langová, D., Cordoba, MAM., Sorrechia, R., Hoová, J., Svoboda, Z., Mikulíková, R., Correa, MA., Pietro, RCLR., Márová, I.: Achyrocline satureioides Hydroalcoholic Extract as a Hypoallergenic Antimicrobial Substitute of Natural Origin for Commonly Used Preservatives in Cosmetic Emulsions. Plants 12(10)2027, 2023, DOI:10.3390/plants12102027, Q1. |
Malečková , M., Vrzal , T., Vaško, T., Olšovská, J., Sobotníková, J.: Natural Occurrence of Nitrite-Related Compounds in Malt and Beer. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 71(46): 17321-17329, 2023,DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.3c05217, Q1. |
Zuštáková, V., Dušek , M., Jandovská, V., Olšovská, J.: Screening and quantification of pesticide residues in ciders by liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry. Czech Journal of Food Sciences 41(1): 29-35, 2023, Q4. |
Mikyška, A., Dušek, M., Slabý, M.: Effects of mashing process on polyphenols and antiradical activity of beer. European Food Research and Technology 249(1): 71-80, 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00217-022-04133-5, Q2. |
Belešová, K., Dušek, M., Olšovská, J., Sobotníková, J.: Optimising the extraction and clean-up step for determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in malt using HPLC-FLD. Food Analytical Methods 16(1): 168-176, 2023, DOI: 10.1007/s12161-022-02405-0, Q2. |
Mikyška, A., Štěrba, K.: Effect of Wort Boiling System and Hopping Regime on Wort and Beer Stale-Flavor Aldehydes. Foods 12(16)3111, 2023, DOI: 10.3390/foods12163111, Q1. |
Dušek, M., Jandovská, V.: Variability in the levels of fungicide residues in final beer as they are influenced by various sequences of agrochemicals used for treatment on hops. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 40(5): 655-666, 2023, DOI: 10.1080/19440049.2023.2202773, Q2. |
Dušek, M., Vostřel, J., Jandovská, V., Mikyška, A.: Post-harvest recognition of various fungicide treatments for downy mildew of hops using comprehensive pesticide residue monitoring. International Journal of Pest Management 69(2): 164-174, 2023, DOI:10.1080/09670874.2020.1864507, Q3. |
Psota, V., Dvořáčková, O., Musilová, M., Boško, R.: Barley varieties registered in the Czech Republic after the harvest 2022. KVASNÝ PRŮMYSL 69(2): 726-739, 2023. |
Kyselová, L., Hanzalíková, K., Matoulková, D., Kubizniaková, P.: Brewers lost in wild yeast nomenclature. KVASNÝ PRŮMYSL 69(2): 707-718, 2023. |
Mikyška, A., Krofta, K., Fritschová, G., Belešová, K., Kroupa, F., Tichá, J.: Alpha acids content in Czech hops from harvest 2022 - forecasts, reality and trends. KVASNÝ PRŮMYSL 69(1): 692-699, 2023. |
Pluháčková, H., Boško, R., Zámečník, R., Pyšný, O.: A different approach to hop growing. KVASNÝ PRŮMYSL 69(1): 700-707, 2023. |
Pluháčková, H., Weichtová, L., Lojková, L., Němec, P., Svoboda, Z., Boško, R., Pernica, M., Benešová, K.: The content of bioactive compounds in Moringa oleifera and Moringa stenopetala species grown in Ethiopia. South African Journal of Botany (155): 355-360, 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.sajb.2023.02.010, Q2. |
Martiník, J., Boško, R., Svoboda, Z., Běláková, S., Benešová, K., Pernica, M.: Determination of mycotoxins and their dietary exposure assessment in pale lager beers using immunoaffinity columns and UPLC-MS/MS. Mycotoxin Research 39(3): 285-302, 2023, DOI:10.1007/s12550-023-00492-4, Q2. |
Pernica, M., Martiník, J., Boško, R., Svoboda, Z., Cwiková, O., Běláková, S., Benešová, K.: Ochratoxin A in roasted coffee marketed in Czech Republic: determination by liquid chromatography and fluorescence detection. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research 62(2): 191-197, 2023, Q4. |
Mikyška, A., Štěrba, K., Horák, T.: How maturation time affects the chemical and sensory profile of pale lager beer. KVASNÝ PRŮMYSL 69(4): 755-764, 2023. |
Psota , V., Svorad, M., Musilová, M., Boško, R.: Barley varieties registered in the Slovak Republic after the harvest 2022. KVASNÝ PRŮMYSL 69(3): 740-746, 2023. |
Černá, S., Benešová, K., Martiník, J.: Stanovení organických kyselin ve speciálních pivech a nápojích na bázi piva pomocí kapilární izotachoforézy. Chemické listy 117(8): 516-521, 2023, Q4. |
Mikyška, A., Slabý, M., Štěrba, K., Vrzal, T.: Static or dynamic dry‑hopping of beer: a comparison of analytical and sensory beer profiles. European Food Research and Technology 250(1): 213-224, 2024, DOI: org/10.1007/s00217-023-04379-7, Q2. |
Timkina, E., Kolouchová, I., Kyselová, L., Palyzová, A., Murphy, D.J., Řezanka, T.: Off-line two-dimensional LC–tandem MS of menaquinones from thermophilic bacteria. Food Chemistry 431(15 January 2024)137112, 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.137112, Jimp Q1. |
Řezanka, T., Hršelová, H., Kyselová, L., Jansa, J.: Can cardiolipins be used as a biomarker for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi? . Mycorrhiza 33(5-6): 399-408, 2023, DOI: 10.1007/s00572-023-01129-1, Q1. |
Ilpars, E., Titlová, Š., Hanzalíková, K., Křížová, I., Brányik, T.: Alcohol-free beer produced using maltose-negative wine yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae with probiotic potential. Fermentation - Basel 9(9)805, 2023, DOI:10.3390/fermentation9090805 , Q2. |
Gabriel, P., Beneš, R.: Device for determination of internal pressure in beer cans by measuring the force-displacement curves. KVASNÝ PRŮMYSL 69(6): 839-845, 2023. |
Gabriel, P., Král, R., Beneš, R.: Detection of the internal pressure in beer cans by measuring the force-displacement curves. KVASNÝ PRŮMYSL 69(4): 771-776, 2023. |
Fous , K., Jarolímová, A., Kubizniaková, P., Majtán, K.: Alert for microbrewies - a case study on unpasteurized and unfiltered beer. KVASNÝ PRŮMYSL 70(2): 888-894, 2024. |
Krofta, K., Mikyška, A., Fritschová, G., Kroupa, F., Tichá, J.: Alpha acids content in Czech hops from the 2023 harvest - forecasts, reality and trends. KVASNÝ PRŮMYSL 70(2): 873-880, 2024. |
Mikyška, A., Jurková, M.: Study on the effect of malt and decoction mashing on polyphenols and antiradical power of wort. KVASNÝ PRŮMYSL 70(1): 846-854, 2024. |
Boško, R., Psota, V.: Quality of malting barley grain in the Czech Republic, crop 2023. KVASNÝ PRŮMYSL 70(1): 865-872, 2024. |
Boško, R., Martiník, J., Wawroszová, S., Benešová, K., Svoboda, Z., Běláková, S., Čumová, M., Pernica, M.: Ergot Alkaloids in Rye Flour Marketed in Czech Republic: Comparison Between ELISA and LC–MS Methodologies. Food Analytical Methods 17: 787-794, 2024, DOI:10.1007/s12161-024-02612-x, Q2. |
Štěrba, J., Punčochář, T., Brányik, T.: The effect of hydrodynamic cavitation on isomerization of hop alpha-acids, wort quality and energy consumption during wort boiling. Food and Bioproducts Processing 144(March 2024): 214-219, 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.fbp.2024.02.001, Q2. |
Carabetta, S., Di Sanzo, R., Andronaco, P., Canino, F., Branyik, T., Salafia, F., Fuda, S., Muscolo, A., Russo, M.: UHPLC-PAD Protocol for the Simultaneous Identification of Polyphenols and Bitter Acids: Organoleptic and Nutraceutical Fingerprinting of Bergamot-Flavored Craft Beer. Foods 13(8)1149, 2024, DOI:10.3390/foods13081149, Q1. |
Kyselová, L., Řezanka, T.: Analysis of glycosylated cardiolipins from thermophilic bacteria using GC–MS and LC–ESI–MS/MS methods. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 238(January 2024), Article Num. 115800, 2024, Q2. |
Leišová-Svobodová , L., Psota, V., Zavřelová, M., Kříž, M., Mařík, P., Nesvadba, Z.: Malting quality molecular markers for barley breeding. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 60(2): 70-78, 2024, DOI:10.17221/72/2023-CJGPB, Q3. |
Psota, V., Svorad, M., Garčárová, M., Boško, R.: Barley varieties registered in the Slovak Republic after the harvest 2023. KVASNÝ PRŮMYSL 70(2): 881-887, 2024. |
Psota, V., Dvořáčková, O., Garčárová, M., Boško, R.: Barley varieties registered in the Czech Republic after the harvest 2023. KVASNÝ PRŮMYSL 70(3): 895-904, 2024. |
Némethová , M., Psota, V., Gregor, T.: Quality of beer from historical and current varieties of spring barley with addition of valerian and hops. KVASNY PRUMYSL 70(3): 905-909, 2024. |
Domínguez-Rodríguez , G., Amador-Luna, V., Benešová , K., Pernica, M., Parada-Alfonso, F., Ibanez, E.: Biorefinery approach with green solvents for the valorization of Citrus reticulata leaves to obtain antioxidant and anticholinergic extracts. Food Chemistry 456(30 October 2024)140034, 2024, DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.140034, Q1. |
Kyselová, L., Řezanka, T.: Stereochemistry of aminoacylated cardiolipins and phosphatidylglycerols from bacteria. Electrophoresis 45(11-12): 980-988, 2024, DOI: 10.1002/elps.202300165, Q2. |
Krofta, K., Mikyška, A., Vrzal, T.: Comparison of phytochemical and brewing characteristics of Cascade and Kazbek hop cultivars. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 135(November 2024)106680, 2024, DOI:10.1016/j.jfca.2024.106680, Q2. |
Mikyška, A., Slabý, M., Dušek, M., Přikryl, J., Charvátová, J., Nesvadba, V.: Chemical and sensory profile of lager beers hopped with Czech bitter varieties Boomerang and Gaia. KVASNÝ PRŮMYSL 70(5): 943-952, 2024. |
Boško , R., Pluháčková, H., Martiník, J., Benešová, K., Svoboda, Z., Běláková, S., Pernica, M.: Occurrence of mycotoxins in milk thistle: to be included in legislationor not?. Mycotoxin Research xxx(xxx): 1-8, 2024 . |
Psota, V., Starec, M., Saure, S.J., Geving, J., Garčárová, M.: Quality analysis of Norwegian farmhouse malt: A case study.. KVASNY PRUMYSL 70(5): 927-935, 2024, DOI:10.18832/kp2024.70.927. |
Jovanović , I., Frantová, N., Alba-Mejía, J.E.., Porčová, L., Psota, V., Asszonyi, J., Cerkal, R., Středa, T.: Role of total polyphenol content in seed germination characteristics of spring barley varieties amidst climate change. Scientific Reports 14: article number-23818, 2024, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-74795-6. |
Vrzal, T., Olšovská, J.: Methodologic procedure of beer competitions eliminating the problematic practices and based on the probabilistic approach. KVASNY PRUMYSL 70(6): 967-976, 2024, DOI:10.18832/kp2024.70.910. |
Králik, R., Gabriel, P., Dušek, M., Antoch, J.: Beer Photodegradation in Commercial Bottles: Simultaneous Evaluation by Consumer Sensory Panels and Optical Detection. KVASNY PRUMYSL 70(6): 967-976, 2024. |