Citace |
Pluháčková, H., Benešová, K., Ehrenbergerová, J., Kocourková, B.: The content of vitamin E in hop cones of the saaz variety. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 61(3): 777-785, 2013. |
Jurková, M., Horák, T., Čulík, J., Čejka, P., Kellner, V.: Simultaneous determination of iso-alpha acids in their cis- and transforms and tetrahydroiso-alpha acids. Kvasny Prum. 56(3): 163-166, 2010. |
Sigler, K., Matoulková, D., Gabriel, P., Dienstbier, M., Gášková, D.: Yeast and stress: from the laboratory to the brewery. Kvasny Prum. 56(2): 100-104, 2010. |
Dvořáková, M., Dostálek, P., Skulilová, Z., Jurková, M., Kellner, V., Guido, L.F.: Barley and malt polyphenols and their antioxidant properties. Kvasny Prumysl 56(3): 160-163, 2010. |
Mikyška, A., Hašková, D., Čulík, J., Jurková, M., Čejka, P.: Study of an influence of beer colloidal stabilization by sorbent Polyclar 10 on polyphenolic antioxidants and sensorial stability of beer. Kvasny Prum. 56(3): 167-174, 2010. |
Milotová, J., Prokeš, J., Vaculová, K.: Malting potential of new genetic sources of spring barley collection. Kvasny Prumysl 53(1): 3-6, 2007. |
Psota, V., Benešová, K., Sachambula, L., Havlová, P.: The relationship between β-glucanase, chitinase, and galactomannan and selected technological parameters of spring barley caryopses (Hordeum vulgare L.) and malt. Kvasny Prum. 56(2): 74-78, 2010. |
Čulík, J., Horák, T., Jurková, M., Čejka, P., Kellner, V., Dvořák, J.: Determination of aromatic alcohols in beer using the solid phase extraction (SPE) followed by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Part II. - The content of aromatic alcohols in Czech beers. Kvasny Prum. 55(10): 273-277, 2009. |
Hartman, I., Fišerová, H., Helánová, A., Prokeš, J., Hartmann, J.: Influencing malt quality by exogenous ethylene application performed in the course of post-harvest ripening of barley grain. Kvasny Prum. 57(7-8): 246-252, 2011. |
Šottníková, V., Psota, V., Gregor, T., Sachambula, L.: Germination dynamics during post harvest maturation of malting barley. Kvasny Prum. 57(7-8): 242-245, 2011. |
Benešová, K., Psota, V., Mikulíková, R., Běláková, S., Svoboda, Z.: Pathogenic metabolites in barley caryopses and their effect on quality of malting barley and malt. Kvasny Prum. 57(7-8): 215-218, 2011. |
Ehrenbergerová, J., Pluháčková, H., Bradáčová, M., Březinová Belcredi, N., Benešová, K., Vaculová, K.: Changes in vitamin E content and activity as a response to abiotic stress in spring barley varieties. Kvasny Prumysl 57(7-8): 196-202, 2011. |
Mikyška, A., Hartman, I., Hašková, D.: Polyphenol compounds and antioxidative properties of barley varieties recommended for Czech beer. Kvasny Prum. 57(7-8): 182-189, 2011. |
Macháň, P., Ehrenbergerová, J., Klímová, E., Benešová, K., Vaculová, K.: Non-starch polysaccharides in the set of spring barley varieties. Kvasny Prum. 57(7-8): 219-222, 2011. |
Benkovská, D., Flodrová, D., Psota, V., Bobá'lová, J.: Influence of the brewing process on the barley protein profile. Kvasny Prum. 57(7-8): 260-265, 2011. |
Čulík, J., Horák, T., Jurková, M., Čejka, P., Kellner, V., Dvořák, J.: Determination of aromatic alcohols in beer by solid phase extraction and detection with gas chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Part I. – Creation and validation of the analytical method. Kvasny Prum. 55(7-8): 177-186, 2009. |
Prokeš, J., Vaculová, K., Milotová, J.: Selected malting parameters of new accessions from the collection of spring barley genetic resources. Kvasny prumysl 53(6): 162-167, 2007. |
Prokeš, J., Fišerová, H., Helánová, A., Hartmann, J.: Effect of exogenous factors on malt quality. Kvasny Prum. 55(5): 122-126, 2009. |
Psota, V.: Vady zrna ječmene. Agromanuál 4(8): 1801-1895, 2010. |
Mikyška, A., Prokeš, J.: Barley storage system and its impact on malt and beer quality. Kvasny Prum. 55(3): 73-81, 2009. |
Kostelanská, M., Zachariášová, M., Džuman, Z., Hajšlová, J., Ehrenbergerová, J., Cerkal, R., Vaculová, K., Mikyška, A., Psota, V.: Fusarium mycotoxins in spring barley and their occurrence within the technological chain barley-malt-beer. Kvasny Prum. 57(7-8): 209-214, 2011. |
Hartman, I., Prokeš, J., Fišerová, H., Hartmann, J.: Ovlivnění dormance obilek ječmene klimatologickými faktory. Úroda LIX(10): 52-58, 2011. |
Prokeš, J., Fišerová, H., Helánová, A., Hartmann, J.: Effect of exogenous factors on malt quality. Kvasny Prumysl 55(5): 122-126, 2009. |
Macháň, P., Benešová, K., Ehrenbergerová, J., Klímová, E.: Obsah beta-glukanů v odrůdách a liniích ječmene jarního. Úroda 12: 499-502, 2011. |
Matoulková, D., Kubizniaková, P., Sigler, K.: Beer-spoiling ability of lactic acid bacteria and its relation with genes horA, horC and hitA. Kvasny Prum. 58(11-12): 336-342, 2012. |
Mikyška, A., Prokeš, J., Hašková, D.: Effect of barley origin, malting technology and malt storage on antioxidant properties of malt. Kvasny Prumysl 52(9): 276, 2006. |
Dvořák, J., Dostálek, P., Kellner, V., Čejka, P., Čulík, J., Horák, T., Jurková, M.: Significance of SO2 in beer. Part 3: Factors which effect on production of sulphur dioxide during brewing fermentation. Kvasny Prumysl 54(5): 142-148, 2008. |
Horák, T., Čulík, J., Jurková, M., Čejka, P., Kellner, V.: Application of SPE and SPME in analysis of beer. Kvasny Prumysl 52(3): 78-82, 2006. |
Hřivna, L., Radoch, T., Gregor, T., Šottníková, T., Cerkal, R., Ryant, P., Prokeš, J.: Influence of application N and S on the chemical composition of barley corn and malt. Kvasny Prum. 57(7-8): 223-230, 2011. |
Sigler, K., Matoulková, D.: Stress responses in brewing yeast. Kvasny Prum. 57(7-8): 277-284, 2011. |
Benešová, K., Mikulíková, R., Běláková, S., Svoboda, Z., Psota, V.: Identification of substances originating from pathogen – caryopsis interaction and their effect on malt quality. Kvasny Prum. 57(1): 2-7, 2011. |
Psota, V., Benešová, K., Sachambula, L., Havlová, P.: Vztah aktivity chitinasy, beta-glukanasy a extracelulárních polysacharidů ke kvalitě sladu. Úroda 58(12): 103-109, 2010. |
Pluháčková, H., Benešová, K., Ehrenbergerová, J.: Aktivita vybraných antioxidantů v chmelových hlávkách v závislosti na stáří chmelové rostliny. Úroda (10): 493-498, 2011. |
Cerkal, R., Hřivna, L., Ryant, P., Prokeš, J., Březinová Belcredi, N., Vejražka, K., Michnová, M., Gregor, T.: Zinc – effect on the spring barleyʼs plant and roots growth, grain technological quality, and yeast fermentation. Kvasny Prum. 56(3): 152-159, 2010. |
Fišerová, H., Prokeš, J., Helánová, A., Hartmann, J.: Malt quality during the post-harvest maturation of barley. Kvasny Prum. 56(2): 93-99, 2010. |
Mikyška, A., Prokeš, J., Běláková, S., Škach, J., Hašková, D.: The influence of barley origin and malting technology on ferulic acid content in barley and malt. Kvasny Prum. 56(3): 145-151, 2010. |
Březinová Belcredi, N., Ehrenbergerová, J., Benešová, K., Vaculová, K.: Variability of activity of vitamin E and its isomers in a barley grain. Kvasny Prum. 56(2): 88-92, 2010. |
Šrogl, J., Vernerová, H., Matasová, L., Sigler, K.: Factors affecting invertase activity during beer brewing, lagering and in the finished product. Kvasny Prumysl 53(5): 134-138, 2007. |
Dvořák, J., Dostálek, P., Štěrba, K., Čejka, P., Kellner, V., Čulík, J., Horák, T., Jurková, M.: Significance of sulphur dioxide in beer. Kvasny Prumysl 52(11-12): 346-348, 2006. |
Prokeš, J., Fišerová, H., Helánová, A., Hartmann, J.: Role of carbon dioxide and ethylene during malting process. Kvasny Prumysl 52(11-12): 349-352, 2006. |
Hřivna, L., Gregor, T., Šottníková, V., Cerkal, R., Ryant, P., Prokeš, J., Radoch, T., Vavroušová, P.: Role of sulphur in formation of spring barley grain yield, malting quality parameters, and PDMS. Kvasny Prum. 56(2): 69-73, 2010. |