Detail výsledku - Metabolomic profiling of selected phenolic compounds in hops by hybrid quadrupole-orbitrap mass spectrometer....

Citace:Dušek, M., Olšovská, J., Jandovská, V., Mikyška, A.: Metabolomic profiling of selected phenolic compounds in hops by hybrid quadrupole-orbitrap mass spectrometer: a promising approach to detection, identification and studying biologically active compounds in plants (poster). 35th EBC congress of the European Brewery Convention , Porto, May 24 – 28, 2015.
Typ výsledku:x-3, ostatní výstupy - poster
Kód projektu
IP 2012-2022
Tit. předJménoTit. za
Ing.Dušek MartinPh.D.
Ing.Mikyška AlexandrPh.D.
RNDr.Olšovská JanaPh.D.